Meat Luwombo Recipe - Meat Stew Cooking Method 4

How to Cook Meat in Uganda - Method four (4)

What is Luwombo? Oluwombo or Luwombo is a traditional Method of Cooking from Uganda. It is both a classic dish of royal dinners and a dish popular throughout Uganda, especially at holiday time. It is often said that oluwombo dates to 1887 when, during the reign of Kabaka Mwanga, the dish was introduced by his chief cook, Kawunta. The basic banana-leaf cooking method has been common across tropical Africa for centuries and is also much used wherever bananas or plantains are grown. It can be made with Meats like beef Luwombo, chicken Luwombo, goat Luwombo, pork Luwombo, and mushrooms.

Smoke or roast meat as in Method 3,cut it into mouthful pieces

Blanch tomatoes and chop finely

Chop Onions, Green pepper, coatmeal, carrots,Irish potato,and garlic.

Heat margarine in a sauce pan and fry onions until soft

Add all other chopped ingredients and salt then cook until tomatoes are soft.

Add Royco, curry powder spices, stock curbe or seasoning cube, like meat masala (Optional) add little water until it starts boiling stirring occasionally until it is ready for use.

Lay the luwombo leaf in a basket (Optional put some sanja if available) or plate or dish.

Put in half of the meat,pour half of the prepared mixture, place the rest of the meat and then pour the remaining mixture.

Cover with a small piece of Luwombo leaf.

Wrap and tie up the leaf with a small banana fiber.

Place in a prepared steaming source-pan:

  • Cut small pieces of banana leaf stock

  • Place in a sauce-pan

  • Cover with a banana leaf

  • Pour boiling water

Place the meat in Luwombo in the sauce-pan and cover it with at least two banana leaves nicely in order to conserve all the steam then cover on top with another sauce-pan.

Put to steam on any source of heat like Charcoal,firewood ,gas or electricity e.t.c.

Cook for about 1 to 1 & 1/2 hrs

When ready serve in a basket lined with steamed banana leaf and remove the banana fiber used for fastening, but do not open it.

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