The Papyrus Gonolek

If you are Planning a Uganda Birding Safari. Then plan to enjoy the Papyrus Gonolek.

In this section of the Uganda Birding Safari Guide we share with you information about Papyrus Gonoleks that could help you enjoy your Bird watching tour to Africa.

You will find information about:

Where to find the Papyrus Gonolek (Laniarius mufumbiri)

The Papyrus Gonolek is similar to the Black-headed Gonolek.

You will find this bird mainly in Mabamba wetland.

Mamba wetland is also known for other birds like the Shoebill (400-600),the African fish eagle and Herons.

This wetland is around the Lake Victoria basin.

If you visit the Mabamba Swamp, you will be greeted by the males by their musical wi-onk-wi-onk wi-onk or chonk chonk chonk chonk this normally goes in rhythmical series.

The female Papyrus Gonoleks will respond with a similar chh-t-chh-t-chh which is a harsh note.

Characteristics of The Papyrus Gonolek

All the Papyrus Gonolek sexes are alike with a height of 19cm.

This bird has a golden-yellow crown, a narrow white wing bar and orange-red under parts.

The immature bird is much duller than the adult bird with a dingy olive crown with a dull yellowish throat and dirty pinky-orange under parts.

In their habitat

Papyrus Gonoleks are common in dense papyrus swamp and that’s why they were named the papyrus gonoleks.

These birds are shy and secretive so will find them a bit difficult to in these dense papyrus swamps from 1100-1600meters.

Have fun looking for these gonoleks while at Mabamba wetland!

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