Prime Commercial Properties in Kampala Kololo and Nakasero area

Our Current List of Prime Commercial and Residential Plots of Land right in the City Center. You can transform these kinds of properties into Office Building, Shopping Malls, Hotels or City Residential Apartments.

Use the Google Maps coordinates as your guidelines to the location of each property.

  • Nakasero Kampala Plot located at Google Coordinates: 0.325143, 32.575198, 25decimals , Price USD1M

  • Nakasero Kampala Plot located at Google Coordinates: 0.326175, 32.574571, 0.5acres , Price USD1.8M

  • Nakasero Kampala Plot located at Google Coordinates: 0.326058, 32.578129, near Hilton Hotel 1.3 acres , Price USD2.6M

  • Kololo Kampala Plot located at Google Coordinates: 0.328511, 32.599043 on Implala Avenue , 1acre , Price USD2.6M

  • Kololo Kampala Plot located at Google Coordinates: 0.339539, 32.595677 on Moyo Close , 95decimals , USD1.8M

  • Bukoto Kampala Property located at Google Coordinates: 0.344872, 32.597100 about 3acres at USD3M per acre, Joint Venture with Developer/Financier arrangement is possible.

Farmland & Industrial Properties Outside Kampala

22 Acres of Land suitable for Industries and Factories at Katalemwa along Kampala Kawanda Road , about 12Kms from Kampala. Asking price is UGX160M , Land Title Available.

60 acres of land at kungu selling at UGX70M , Land Title available , land is about 18Km from Kampala on Bombo Road.

3 Square Miles + 300acres of farmland available in Nakaseke to at UGX6M per acre , Land is about 50Km from Kampala on Nakaseke - Luweero Road

200Km of farmland for sale about 40Km from Kampala just 1Km from Kapeeka town , on Kampala Kapeeka -Semuto Road.

3 acres of land at Kalasa -Semuto road selling at UGX10M per acre , about 28Km from Kampala

13 Sq.miles of Land in Mityana for sale at UGX6M per acre , property is about 40Km from Kampala , along Kampala -Mityana Road.

Related Africa Uganda Properties

12 Interesting Kampala Commercial Real Estate Deals

3 Prime Properties available for Sell in Kololo Kampala on Impala Avenue, Mabua Road and Elizabeth Avenue.

If you're interested in Buying these Prime Properties within Kampala. Please Call: +256752638833 or Drop us an Email here.

Comments for Prime Commercial Properties in Kampala Kololo and Nakasero area

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Jun 21, 2015
Properties for Sale in Kololo on Wampewo , Implala and Lugogo Bypass
by: Noah

1) 6 acres for sale of Prime land on Lugogo Bypass , Kololo, very suitable for a Major Commercial Shopping complex with some residential apartments or homes. The asking price is USD3M per acre.

2) 1 acrea on wampewo avenue , near hotel Africana the land is very suitable for city services apartments and for offices. Asking price is USD3M.

3) 1 acre property on McKenzie road in Kololo , the property contains a storied home and being sold at USD4M per acre.

Jan 26, 2015
4 prime plots/properties of Land in Naguru and Kololo , Kampala
by: Noah

1) 60 decimals plot of Land in Naguru , Bukoto Crescent being sold at USD800,000

2) 1 (one) acre plot of land on top of Naguru hill being sold at USD2M, has an awesome view of the city of Kampala.

3) About 45 decimals plot on Lumumba Avenue being sold at USD1.5M, near Emin Pasha Hotel , Ministry of Health , Ministry of Public Service, Ministry of Agriculture and the Office of Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)

4) 1 (one) acre plot of land on Lumumba avenue Kampala being sold for USD3M

If you're interested in buying any of these prime Kampala properties kindly call: +256752638833 or Send us an email.

Jan 26, 2015
48 Decimals for Sale on Wampewo Avenue Kololo Kampala
by: Noah

Available is a 48 decimals plot of Land in Kololo , Kampala on Wampewo Avenue.

Best for Commercial Building or Hotel, High End Residential or Serviced apartments.

If you're interested kindly call: +256752638833 or Send us an email.

Jan 24, 2015
58 Decimals Freehold Plot on Archer Road Kololo Kampala on Sale
by: Noah

A 58 decimals Prime plot is available on sale on Archer Road in Kololo , Kampala.

This prime Plot has a free hold land title and the location is very suitable for High Residential End residential apartments within the city.

If you're interested kindly call: +256752638833 or Send us an email.

Jan 08, 2015
50 Decimals Plot in Kololo Kampala for JV Development
by: Noah

50 decimals plot of land is available in Kololo Kampala on Wampewo Avenue.

Very suitable for a High rise commercial building or residential apartments.

Owner is open to partner with a serious Joint Venture partner to undertake the project.

The plot is in close proximity with the Kololo Airstrip, Uganda Management Institute , Hotel Africana and Housing finance bank.

If you're an interested Financier/Real Estate Developer to undertake a Joint development project with owner, Please Call: +256752638833 or Send us an Email here.

Dec 23, 2014
1.1 acres available in Kampala on Acacia Mall for JV
by: Noah

We have available a 1.1 acre near just next to the Uganda Golf Course in Kampala, an extremely prime property.

The property is well suited for constructing High end Serviced apartments, condos, a Hotel and even offices.

The land owner is interested in partnering with a competent Developer/Financier with whom develop the property.

Contact us here if your're interested in participating in this Deal as a developer/financier.

Dec 22, 2014
Kampala Prime Properties Available for Joint Venture Development with Financier/Developer
by: Noah

  • (1) Approx. 0.6acres of Land on Kantonga Road (Google Coordinates: 0.323213, 32.586163 ) Kampala near Huntington Road, owner values the same at about 2.5Million Euros , ready for JV if offer is good. Best if a High Rise Building with Apartments for Sale.

  • (2) Approx. 0.6acres of land on Mawanda Road Kampala for best for both urban residential and serviced apartments.

  • (3) Approx. 0.5acres in Wandegeya near the traffic lights in front of the new market, a family parcel of land and family seeking JV partner.

  • (4) Approx. 1.2acres on Rubaga Road Kampala, suitable for affordable Urban Residential Apartments , owner seeking JV partner

  • (5) Approx. 0.5acres in Kampala near Makerere University. Owners ready for JV if terms are favorable.

  • If you're and interested JV partner/Financer Please Call: +256752638833 or Send us an Email Here.

Nov 29, 2014
80 decimals Plot available on Mawanda Road Kampala for JV Real Estate Development
by: Anonymous

We have land located on Mawanda Road in Kampala very close to Mulago Hospital Complex available for a Joint Venture Real Estate Development with a competent developer.

This property is best suited for Condominium apartments or serviced apartments.

If you're interested to partner with this Land Owner in a Joint Venture Real Estate Development for this property, kindly send us an email here giving your anticipated offer in summary to the land owner for the built up area.

Nov 28, 2014
1 (acre) land parcel on sale near Kampala Golf Course
by: Noah

Available is a land parcel along Yusuf Lule Road about 1 acre.

Well suited for constructing Serviced apartments, Hotel or Condos or unfurnished apartments for rental.

Price is at USD3 Million

If you're interested to buy this land, kindly contact us here.

Nov 28, 2014
50 Decimals in Nakasero Kampala for JV Development
by: Anonymous

Available is an approximately 50 decimals plot in Nakasero Kampala on Buganda Road and also has access to Bombo Road.

Close to City Oil Kampala and Several Hospitals.

Very good for a commercial building with Services Apartments, Offices , and Shops.

Property Owners are not selling, but seeking a competent developer/financial partner to develop this plot with.

Contacts Us here if you're interested to partner with these land owners in a Joint Venture (JV) relationship to develop this site.

Nov 28, 2014
Commercial Building On Sale
by: Noah

Commercial Building up for sale on George street Kampala.

Seats on about half an acre and has about 8 floors.

Building is very close to the Central Police Station of Kampala in Uganda.

You can transform this property into a Hotel, Serviced Apartments, or Shopping mall with offices and residential apartments.

Price: USD 10 million.

If you're interested to buy this property you can contact us here.

Nov 28, 2014
Commercial Building for Sale on Kampala Road
by: Anonymous

A Commercial Building of about with about 5 floors located on Kampala Road is on sale.

The property sits on about 50 Decimals

Selling Price is USD 10 million.

The building currently hosts a bank and can be transformed into a Shopping mall with residential apartments on top.

If you're interested call: +256752638833 or Send us an email.

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