How to grow OKRA Vegetables in Uganda

A member of the hibiscus family, okra makes one of the most beautiful blooms in the garden.

It’s an annual, warm weather vegetable which explains its nativity to Africa.

It keeps on bearing fruits all season long, when you harvest a pod; another grows in its place.

Similar in taste to egg plant, okra is used to prepare shellfish dishes, onion and tomato dishes etc.

Common Okra Varieties in Uganda

There are 3 known types of okra plants including

Clemson’s spineless okra- it’s a high yielding variety with long cropping season that grows well under cover.

The Burgundy okra- this has attractive deep red pods which remain tender even when large and mature, the leaves, stems, and branches are also red.

Then the Emerald okra -it’s prolific with green pods on tall plants.

Contact the Uganda agribusiness guide here to buy fresh Okra and Seeds in Africa

How to propagate Okra Vegetables

Okra is propagated by seed, prior to planting it’s important to soak the seeds in water overnight to soften the hard seed coat.

Soaking aids moisture absorption and okra seed germination.

Contact the Uganda agribusiness guide here to buy fresh Okra and Seeds in Africa

Okra Soil requirements

Okra does well in fertile, well drained, and slightly acidic soils.

They should be high in organic matter for best growth and yield.

How to plant Okra Vegetables in Africa

Okra can grow from 3-6 ft tall.

Sow the seeds 1cm deep in rows that are 3ft apart.

Seed germination is seen in 2-12 days.

Once the seedlings emerge, thin them to leave 12-18 inches between each Okra plant.

Water regularly as this is a critical requirement during flowering and pod development.

Contact the Uganda agribusiness guide here to buy fresh Okra and Seeds in Africa

How to harvest Okra Vegetables in Uganda

Okra reaches maturity in 50-65 days after planting.

Start harvest a few days after the okra blooms’ fade.

At this point the seed pods are soft and 5-10 cm long.

Pick the seed pods regularly to reduce chances of them getting toughened up.

Contact the Uganda agribusiness guide here to buy fresh Okra and Seeds in Africa

Quick Tips for growing okra Veges in Africa

  • Open up holes 10 cm apart and 1 cm deep.

  • Get your soaked seeds and start sowing 4-5 seeds per hole.

  • Water and mulch to conserve moisture needed for germination.

  • Thin the seedlings when the seeds have sprouted and grown to 7-8 cm long.

  • When your okra plant is still young, weed to prevent competition for nutrients.

  • Side dress the plants with compost or a slow release fertilizer.

  • Keep an eye out for pests like aphids as they can be disturbing.

  • At about 8 weeks after planting, start harvesting the pods.

Contact the Uganda agribusiness guide here to buy fresh Okra and Seeds in Africa

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