How to grow EGG PLANTS in Uganda

Egg plants are short lived perennial vegetables which are native to Asia. They are mainly found in the tropical and sub tropical regions as they require about 100-140 warm days with temperatures between (70-90) °F to reach harvest.

Common Egg plant varieties in Uganda

Egg plant varieties differ in size, shape, color, growth and maturity time, i.e. oval to oblong egg plants- these are large, oval shaped and purplish black.

They produce best in warm climate.

There is the Japanese egg plant –it matures faster than the oval egg plant producing numerous long slender fruits.

Small fruited egg plants - are the best type for compact spaces.

Produce fruits in attractive clusters which may be green, white, lavender or purple.

Then the Novelty egg plants - these include unusual varieties from around the world like the orange Turkish eggplant, green Thai egg plant or egg shaped white egg plants.

Contact the Uganda plant Guide to buy fresh Egg plants and Seeds in Uganda

Egg Plant Soil requirements in Africa

Egg plants do well in fertile, well drained, and slightly acidic soils.

They should be high in organic matter for best growth and yield.

Could be any type of soil as egg plants tolerate abroad range of soils and also has moderate moisture needs.

How to propagate Egg plants in Uganda

Egg plants are propagated by seed. It takes about7-10 days for the seedlings to emerge.

These are hardened off carefully before transplanting by reducing temperature and water.

Contact the Uganda plant Guide to buy fresh Egg plants and Seeds in Uganda

How to Plant Egg plants in Africa

Set transplants at 18-24 inches apart in rows 30-36 inches apart.

Use row covers to protect plants with heavy fruit set.

Fertilize egg plants as they are heavy feeders, but avoid high nitrogen fertilizers. These may encourage lush foliage growth at the expense of fruiting.

How to Control Pests and Diseases

To help reduce diseases, don’t plant egg plants or other tomato family crops in the same location more than once every 3-4 years.

The major pests to look out for are aphids’ and cut worm, and the most important disease you will face is verticilium wilt.

Contact the Uganda plant Guide to buy fresh Egg plants and Seeds in Uganda

How to harvest and store your Egg plants in Uganda

Harvest your Egg plants 16-24 weeks after sowing when the skin of the fruit is shinny and un wrinkled.

Cut the fruit close to the stem, but leaving about an inch of it attached.

Egg plant can be stored for up to 2 weeks in humid conditions not lower than 50°F.

Contact the Uganda plant Guide to buy fresh Egg plants and Seeds in Uganda

Quick Tips for planting egg plant in Africa

  • When you in tropical Africa you can plant egg plants directly outside.

  • On a well prepared bed sow 2 seeds ½ inch deep.

  • The seedling will be up in about a week and half.

  • Pick out the seedling which is stronger and then thin to remove weak seedlings to allow one plant per hole.

  • Then harden off plants meant for transplant.

  • Open up holes 5 cm deep in rows which are 30ft -36ft apart.

  • Set transplants into the holes and cover firmly with soil.

  • Fertilize the soil with compost by pouring it in holes before transplanting.

  • Water the transplants and then mulch them to conserve moisture and also to protect the plants from pests.

  • Harvest fruits after 100-140 days of planting.

Contact the Uganda plant Guide to buy fresh Egg plants and Seeds in Uganda

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