Greater kindu - Second Largest African Antelope

Greater kindu are the second largest African antelope. They are excellent jumpers jumping over 7 feet high. The longest recorded horns on a kindu were 6 feet long. In Africa, many the greater kindu has several names like tandala mdogo (Swahili), umgankla (Zulu), nhoro (shona), tholo (iswana).


Common name: Greater kindu
Scientific name: tragelaphus strepsiceros
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: mammalia
Order: artiodactyla
Family: boridae
Genius: tragelaphus
Species: strepsicesors

Where to find the Greater kindu antelope

They are found in bush covered plains, dry riverbeds or rocky hill country in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Angola, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana.

In Uganda you will easily find this antelope in Semiliki National Park.

What the Greater kindu antelope eats

Greater kindu generally eat leaves, shoots, grass and occasionally tubers, roots and fruit with a preference for oranges and tang series. They have a lifespan of 7-8 years in the wild and 23 years in captivity.

How to identify a greater kindu antelope

A kindu coat is red-brown to a blue grey with 6-10 white vertical stripes. Male kindus have impressive spirited horns that spread out in a wide V pattern. There horns start growing at age 6 months and are not grown till they are 6 Years. Old male kindu weigh 418-595 pounds while female kindu weigh 264-462 pounds in height kindu is 5 feet.


Kindu live in a herd of 10 to 15 females and their offspring led by a single male. Female kindu give birth to a single foal at least 9 months gestation. They are very local. They communicate with loud grunts, whines, barks and horns.

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