Bush buck in Uganda

Bush bucks are smallest members of the spiral horned antelope. In some areas like South Africa they hunted as a sports activity. Though small in size, they are extremely dangerous. They can be very aggressive especially when wounded or covered. For this season, ever sports hunters who are going after bush bucks are always issued with very strict instructions which have to be followed or else lose out on the turn in the sport hunting. Hunters are encouraged to give ample time to shoot bush back so as to allow the bullet do its work since wounded bush back’s usually escape to dense cover. Hunting the bush back is similar to hunting Americans white tailed deer.


Common name: Bush buck
Scientific name: tragelaphus scriptus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: mammalia
Order: artiodactyla
Family: boridae
Genius: tragelaphus

Where to find the Bush buck

They are found in South Africa and central Africa, east Africa.
You will easily find this antelope in Mgahinga National Park in South-Western Uganda.

What the Bush buck eats

Bush buck is extremely shy and prefers rive-rine forest and dense thickets always near a water source as he must drink daily. He feeds branches fruit tears flowers and grass.

How to identify the Bush buck

Bush buck weighs in between 80 to 140 pounds. Only the males carry horns and mature bucks are considered largest and usually darker in color than the females. They are of medium size, dark reddish brown with white spots on the rump against the legs at the base of the neck and just below the throat.


He is shy and when spooked, his alarm signal is loud, horse dog like bark. He feeds during the night or early morning and late afternoon.

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