The African emerald cuckoo

If you are Planning a Uganda Birding Safari. Then plan to enjoy The African emerald cuckoo.

In this section of the Uganda Birding Safari Guide we share with you information about African emerald cuckoos that can help you enjoy your Bird watching tour to Africa.

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The African emerald cuckoo (Chrysococcyx cupreus)

The African emerald cuckoo is among the shining cuckoos.

They are small and slender and their identification is based on the extent of green and brown in plumage and color of the outer tail.

They are widespread in forests, dense woodland and thickets at an altitude of 2000m above sea level.

They are a bit difficult to see because of being regularly on high canopies but if you are lucky you can find them in most of the Ugandan forests like Mabira and Budongo.

Characteristics of the African emerald cuckoo

They are around 23cm. All sexes are alike. The females are secretive, but the males are extrovert and noisy.

The male cuckoo has a stunning emerald- green color with a yellow belly, black and white stripped vent and under tail.

In flight it shows the black and white under wing- coverts.

The female is extensively barred rufous and green above, green and white barred below; the bands below are relatively wider.

In their habitats

You will be able to see these magnificent mostly solitary, especially the males since the females are secretive.

Males call regularly from high canopy. Despite their bright colors it is hard to see these male birds.

Both sexes are brood parasite of robins and smaller thrushes often pushing their young ones.

They feed mainly on insects, hairy caterpillars.

If you cannot find the male cuckoo bird at least listen to the very distinctive set of four whistles it produces whi’twau wor…wee

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