Which documents are required at Entebbe airport to get a single entry Uganda visa?

by joshi kuldipbhai satyanarayan

Hi Iam an Indian and I want to get a Uganda visa at Entebe Airport; so please give me information regarding which documents are required at the air port.

Hello Joshi, thank you for asking this question.

While the Ugandan visa is one of those easy to to get visas, it can be quite embarrassing if you're denied this visa. Let alone the expense you would incur if you must end your African trip prematurely!

It therefore pays to be prepared before you present yourself to a Uganda consular to apply for a Ugandan visa.

Assuming you have no criminal record, I believe the items on the checklist below should be able to qualify you for Ugandan visa.

  • Visa Fees - You obviously need to have money to pay for your visa.

  • Valid Passport- Should not expire while you're still on your Ugandan trip.

  • Reason For Visit- A sound reason why you want to come to Uganda along with proof.
    If you have been invited by a business partner, you need to have a written invitation which should include the address of your business associate.

  • Proof of Funds- You need to present something that proves that you have enough money to spend while in Uganda. A bank statement, cash, or credit card can do.

  • Return Ticket- Your air ticket will tell whether or not you're planning to permanently stay in Uganda. You will have a lot to explain if you have a one-way ticket.

  • Yellow fever vaccination card - You need to prove that your health is in order.

Sometimes you may not to present all the above visa requirements. This might strongly depend on the reason for your visit to Uganda, the person who has invited to Uganda, and your social status in India.

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May 05, 2010
Visa Documentation
by: Anonymous

Joshi can you please let us know if you manage to get the Ugandan Visa?

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