Vanilla Beans Prices Dropping for 2019 but still above the Psychological USD450 mark

Gourmet Grade A Uganda Vanilla Beans 2019

Gourmet Grade A Uganda Vanilla Beans 2019

The price of top-quality Madagascar vanilla beans has fallen to between $475 and $500 per kilogram from a high last year of $600, resulting in an overall 10% to 15% drop across all grades of the product, according to Food Business News.

Buy Uganda Vanilla Beans

Still the current price decline may not be coming fast enough for food and beverage manufacturers who have the option of using less-expensive natural flavor alternatives to reduce or replace vanilla, the publication noted.

Buy Uganda Vanilla Beans

"We continue to see new product launches that highlight vanilla extract as an ingredient, both in North America and globally, likely because vanilla extract is a familiar ingredient and a staple in most U.S. pantries,” Jenna Baker, marketing manager at ADM, told Food Business News. “It fits perfectly with the movement to clean and clear labels.”

Buy Uganda Vanilla Beans

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