US based Journalism Student and Lacrosse Instructor thrilled about Trip to Uganda

Hey there. My name is Alex Keay, and I am a senior majoring in history and journalism.

My passion for history started my junior year of high school when I had the opportunity to travel to Germany. While I was there, I became fascinated with the hundreds of years old castles and cathedrals I visited. World War II history has also interested me for years. Dachau was a concentration/work camp I also was able to experience. Seeing the history there really make me focus on that era and want to understand what happened more.

Journalism fell into place for me last semester. I have always enjoyed traveling and talking to people and even though I didn’t think I was a great writer, I thought it could work. The major has been satisfying and challenging so far.

Traveling to Uganda came up last year through a suggestion from my friend Matt Churchwell. The company I am working for while I am there is Fields of Growth. I am traveling to Uganda to coach lacrosse to students at the Makerere University Business School in the capital, Kampala.

FOG has partnered with Holistic Organization for People’s Empowerment for Uganda Locals-Uganda. With this partnership, I will be working to provide quality education to HIV/AIDS orphans and vulnerable children.

For the next two months you can expect posts about life in Uganda. The culture, food and music are going to be unique experiences that are going to be exciting to share. Since the lacrosse aspect of this trip is the main focus, the majority of my posts will be about the interactions with the players and being a coach. I may have the opportunity to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, so that could be in the mix as well.

I hope you have a blast with me on this journey!
20 June 2012

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