Uganda Tax Information Systems

Question: What are the information systems used in finance, revenue and taxation?
what are the outputs of uganda revenue authority?
what are the inputs of uganda revenue authority?
who inputs what? what information are they interested in?


What are the information systems used in finance, revenue and taxation?

E-Tax System: Is a name given to an Integrated Tax Administration System that provides online services to the taxpayer on a 24 hour basis.

E-TAX enables taxpayers to lodge their applications online through the web portal, form anywhere on the globe as long as they are connected to the internet.

ASYCUDA (Automated System for Customs Data): Is used for processing transactions of all goods imported in, and exported out of the country.

The system allows self declaration, assessment and payment of taxes by the importer/exporter.

HRIS (Human Resource Information System): This is a solution for the data entry, data tracking, and data information needs of the Human Resources, payroll, management, and accounting functions within a business operations.

Intranet: This is a computer network that uses Internet protocol technology to share information, operational systems, or computing services within the organization.

Sun: This is one of the accounting and auditing systems used in the organisation.

What are the outputs of Uganda revenue authority?
(1)Government revenue
(2)Advice to the Minister on revenue implications, tax administration and aspects of policy changes relating to all taxes

What are the inputs of Uganda revenue authority?
(1) Funds from the Government
(2) Funds from the donor community e.g. IMF
(2) Policy pronouncements

Who inputs what? What information are they interested in?

The Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Finance, funds the biggest proportion of the Budget of Uganda Revenue Authority.

The Ministry of Finance requires URA information about expenditures patterns.

The international donors support a few URA activities especially projects through provision of project funds and the information they require is about valid project proposals; which contain transparent project budgets.

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