Uganda Revenue Authority, Orient Bank and Warid Telecom in Mobile Money Tax Payment Deal

The Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) in partnership with Orient Bank and Warid Telecom has come up with an easier way of tax payment using the innovative mobile money platform.

Using the system the tax payers can use their mobile phones to clear their taxes.

Allen Kagina the Commissioner General URA said the innovation is targeting the smaller tax payers.

“We are targeting the smaller tax payers to help them cut cost. We won’t be required to move from the Banks to the different URA offices and vice versa,” Kagina said.

Kagina was speaking at the launch of the Mobile money tax innovation at the URA offices in Nakawa on Wednesday.

She added that innovation is open to all banks and telecom companies that match the standard requirement.

Moses Kajubi the Commissioner Domestic Taxes explained that the innovation would simplify lives of busy tax payers.

“We appreciate that you are busy attending to other businesses as well. So we want to make it easy and instant through the SMS,” he said.

He noted that all taxes and non-tax revenues like the police express penalties, driving permits among others can be paid using the method but would limited to a maximum of sh3 million for the start.

He added that the platform has a potential to at least collect between sh10-20 billion every month and an average of more than sh100 billion annually.

Sriram Yarlagadda the Warid Telecom CEO said that the deal would usher in unparalleled customer convenience.

He also stressed that the move is aimed at strengthening maximum satisfaction to its subscribers.

Maxwell Ibeanous, the Managing director Orient Bank revealed that the innovation would allow for accessibility as most Ugandans have access to phones than physical banks.

“The innovation would reduce on congestion at the banks and would help those far from banks to receive the same service as those in urban centres,” he said.

According to Uganda Communication Commission report 2011 Uganda has 14.6 mobile telephone subscribers.

By Saudha Nakandha
The New Vision Newspaper

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