Spending some time in Uganda

by NE

The water fall is absolutely breath taking!

The water fall is absolutely breath taking!

Earlier this year I spent a couple of months in Uganda doing some research for my studies.

Having previously spent a few years in Southern Sudan and Kenya I had heard a lot of Uganda and its beauty and now the opportunity to see the country by myself had finally come.

Most of the time in Uganda I spent in Kampala and its surroundings, however a couple of weekends I had together with some friends the chance to travel to some other corners of this amazing country.

One of these weekends we went up to visit Murchison Fall and to see some amazing wild life.

We started our time in the park by visiting the water fall. The water fall is absolutely breath taking, where the whole of White Nile on its journey north passes through a cliff that is just a few meters wide. The water is almost flying on its way through bubbling and making a very impressive sound.

We slept in tents having pumbas visiting us looking for some leftover food.

As a swede the stars in Africa has always amazed me, and this time was no different.

Next day we crossed the Nile River, and than started our safari to look for animals.

We were lucky, the first thing we saw was a elephant mother and her baby.

The animals seems to be used to having tourists starring at them and taking photos, and as they day went on we saw more elephants, along with giraffes, hippos, antelopes and lions.

The afternoon we took the Nile boat and was amazed by the many hippos lying in the mud along the shore. One hippo had unfortunately died and was now floating in the water serving as dinner to the many crocodiles grabbing their share.

After some more safari we had to leave this amazing place and return to the capital.

We went to a few more places and it is amazing to see the variety of the country.

Kampala is a friendly place and a busy downtown which has a lot to offer, but what hits you the most is the friendly people.

Where ever you go people are really helpful and don´t mind helping a lost stranger!

Also the green surroundings of Kampala are beautiful and easy to access with the taxi bus, the local transport, which is a must when travelling to Uganda.

When I left Uganda, I decided that I have to return one day to see some more of the country!

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Jul 22, 2010
Spending Some Time in Africa Uganda
by: Anonymous

A wonderful article; thanks NE for sharing your experience!

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