Rwandan Companies Seek Business Opportunities in Uganda

Executives from nine "carefully" selected Rwandan manufacturers arrived in Kampala, Uganda on April 22 as part of a high level sales mission organised by the Rwandan Development Board as part of its MarketLinked programme.

Traidlinks, a registered company focusing on promoting enterprise in the developing world is behind the program.

According to a Traidlinks statement released on April 23, each Rwandan company will have individual one on one meetings with a range of Ugandan businesses at the Ugandan companies' offices.

"The Rwandan companies hope to introduce a wide range of products to Uganda," the statement reads in part.

The products include processed food and beverages including porridges, Macadamia nuts, grape wine, chilli oil condiments, natural juice concentrates, juices, and milk.

Manufactured products include exquisite functional and decorative solid tin gifts, house and home wares, corporate gifts and shopping bags, concrete poles for electricity and fibre-optic telecommunication lines, cosmetics and body care products and cast and forged machinery and vehicle wear parts.

"Ugandan companies, to whom the Rwandan products were shown during preparatory market research, unanimously viewed the products with high regard and interest, commenting generally on their good quality and presentation," the statement adds.

Florence Kata, Executive Director of Uganda Export Promotion Board said in the same statement that it is important for companies in all member countries of the East African Community to formally make contact with their counterparts across the community to form sustainable business partnerships.

By Julius Busingye: The Independent Newspaper

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