Over 20 Luxurious Uganda Apartments for Sale

by MN

Luxurious Apartments along Kampala Entebbe Road

Luxurious Apartments along Kampala Entebbe Road

Over 20 newly constructed luxurious apartments available for sale at Lubowa , a high end Kampala suburb just about 2 Kilometers off Kampala Entebbe Road. You will need about 30 minutes to drive from the airport to your apartment.

Price: 2 Bedroom Apartments: USD130,000 each
3 Bedroom Apartments: USD150,000 each

Storied apartments with ample parking space and secured with a fence.
Swimming pool and Jacuzzi are available
Water and Electricity are available.
Balcony , have large kitchen , Dining and Sitting room. Floor is made of marble

You can comfortably use the apartment as a home or as an office or for both Home Office.

These luxurious real Estate properties are located near a Modern Shopping Mall , International School and a Bible college.

Mortgage Financing is also available even for individuals living in the UK.
When you buy the property ownership title will be transferred into your names by the managing real estate agency.

Real Estate Business Opportunity
You can also buy as many as 2 , 3 or even 5 apartments, stay in one and rent out the others for a monthly fee. You will probably not charge less USD1000 per month for each of your tenants.

To Tour or Buy this Real Estate Property: Contact Us or Call: +256 754 453947

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Mar 19, 2010
Good Colors
by: NK

Hi MN your apartments look new and a like the color choices. Do you happen to know any Uganda Banks which have Mortgage Finance schemes where I can refer my friends who want to buy.

The price is quite steep though for a common Ugandan employee....!

Thanks anyway for that nice listing.

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