Nakumatt Uganda MD reveals Business Strategy

24 Hour Shopping Center in Uganda

24 Hour Shopping Center in Uganda

Thursday, November 18 2010

Mr Bernard Mutua is the Nakumatt Uganda country manager; he spoke to Smart Money about the supermarket’s recent expansion.

What does the expansion mean for Nakumatt?
Our focus is to serve the diverse market across the region. In our expansion plan, we intend to create more opportunities for suppliers, manufacturers and the job market. This expansion is a sign of our commitment towards fulfilling our brand promise, which is customer satisfaction.

Why did you invest in a 24 hour service in a market like Uganda?
24 hour shopping is a trend that is gaining popularity as East African economies start to reap the benefits of steady growth, stability and a more predictable micro and macro economic environment.

How much have you invested in the expansion?
We have invested a total of Shs2.7 billion. This shall serve for expansion in areas of Kampala including Bugolobi and Bukoto.

Do you hope to acquire any other outlets?
We are ready to invest in this market and for us; any opportunity that comes our way is good enough. We are looking at filling most of the busy towns in Uganda so that we extend our trendy service to all Ugandans.

What is your view of the Uganda’s consumer market in comparison to other markets where you operate?
There is not much of a difference. The ability and power to spend is almost the same (as in Kenya) and Uganda in particular has embraced our brand because of the good record that we hold.

By Justus Lyatuu - The Daily Monitor

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