Mobile Monday Kampala Uganda -Financial inclusion through mobile money: The role of banks, mobile operators and developers

Mobile Monday -Kampala Uganda

Mobile Monday -Kampala Uganda

Monday March 28, 2011

Mobile Monday, or MoMo, is a global network of mobile industry professionals, visionaries, developers and entrepreneurs, in over 100 cities around the world. Each city chapter discusses issues specific to the local needs in monthly forums; given the global nature of the mobile industry there is an exchange of ideas and speakers from around the world.

Monday 28 March, MTN Nyonyi Gardens

Chair Sean Krepp, Country Director Grameen Foundation Uganda

Mark Pickens, CGAP Executive – Keynote Address Outlining the Framework

Olga Morawczynski, Financial Literacy Project Manager, AppLab

Gerald Begumisa, MD Yo! Uganda, Yo! Payments: Aggregating Mobile Services

Matt Krueger, M-Banking Research Project Manager at Equity Bank Limited

Anthony Katamba MTN Uganda Company Secretary and Director MTN Foundation

Tamara Cook, Programme Officer, Financial Services for the Poor, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Rapporteur: Robert Kirkpatrick, Director UN Global Pulse


5:30 to 6:00 Delegates arrive, informal networking

6:00 - 6:05 Introductory remarks

6:05 – 7:05 Speakers presentations

7:05 – 7:30 Delegate breakout session, four issues led by speaker-facilitators

7:30 – 7:50 Speaker-facilitators report their groups’ main points and conclusions

7:50 – 7:55 Rapporteur presents synthesis of speaker-facilitator reports

7:55 – 8:00 Recognition of hosts, sponsors, announcements, future events

8:00 – 8:45 Informal networking

Chair Sean Krepp, Country Director Grameen Foundation Uganda

Sean Paavo Krepp – Chair Sean has overall responsibility for Grameen Foundation’s operations and programs in Uganda, ensuring the ongoing delivery of impact, while scaling and developing sustainable business models for the CKW initiative and new AppLab Uganda initiatives. Sean came to Grameen Foundation with over 11 years of ICT experience, including extensive work in the African context. From 2008-2010, Sean served as Head of Emerging Market Services, Middle East and Africa, at Nokia, where he and his team developed mobile services such as Nokia Ovi’s Life Tools, aimed at supporting poor farmers and their families with mobile services in agriculture, education, and health. In addition, Sean previously served as Deputy Head of Nokia’s EU office, and held the role of secretary of the EU Africa Business Forum. He has served in various roles in strategy, marketing, product, and business development throughout his career. He is also a recent graduate of the TRIUM Global Executive MBA (NYU Stern, LSE and HEC Paris) program.

Mark Pickens - CGap Executive – Keynote Address Outlining the Framework

Mark Pickens works with CGAP, a policy and research center working to improve access to finance in developing countries. He leads CGAP’s work on customer adoption with new banking technologies and advises mobile, technology and banking industries on reaching the mass market. He has conducted extensive field work in the largest slum in Nairobi, rural India, and Brazil’s arid northeast. CGAP is housed at the World Bank, and its Technology Program is supported by the UK’s DFID and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Prior to joining CGAP, Pickens led an award-winning technology startup crowd-sourcing news in New York City, and founded a health enterprise which doubled child vaccination rates in a rural district of Madagascar. He also worked as a microfinance consultant for banks and microlenders in Bosnia, Cambodia, Mali and Madagascar. His work has been quoted in Wired, The Economist, and The Banker. He holds a master's from Columbia University.

Gerald Begumisa, Director Yo! Payments: Aggregating Mobile Services

Gerald Begumisa is the Managing Director and Co-Founder of Yo! Uganda Ltd, a software company in Uganda. Gerald also doubles as the Chief Technical Officer of Yo! Since its founding in 2006, Yo! has successfully developed & deployed many software products and services under Gerald’s leadership. As Managing Director, Gerald is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the company, identifying new opportunities for Yo!’s software products and exploring new markets. As CTO Gerald leads Yo!’s engineering team during the design of new software products. In addition to developing the software specifications for implementation and testing, Gerald is responsible for ensuring that the quality of the software meets the expectations of clients. Prior to founding Yo! in 2006, Gerald worked at OrecX – – and Computer Frontiers International – – as a Software Consultant and Senior Software Engineer respectively.

Matthew Krueger, Program Manager, M-Banking Research & Strategy, Equity Bank

Matthew is leading a multi-year effort for Equity in conjunction with research partners to better understand customer needs across the socio-economic spectrum. Focused on mobile financial services and savings, a key outcome of this research will be a strategy to better serve the unbanked and provide inclusive financial services that maximize customers’ opportunities. Prior to joining Equity, Matthew was a Senior Product Manager at Microsoft on products ranging from Windows to Internet Explorer to Windows Phone. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Harvard University.

Anthony Katamba MTN Uganda Company Secretary and Director MTN Foundation

Tamara Cook, Programme Officer, Financial Services for the Poor, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Tamara Cook is a Program Officer with the Financial Services for the Poor team within the Global Development Program of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Her work focuses on savings and commercial banks, particularly on scaling up savings accounts to the poor, leveraging linkages with mobile operators, and getting the economics right for small-balance savings accounts. She manages several grants and program-related investments in these areas. Prior to the foundation, she spent ten years working on microfinance with the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) housed in the World Bank. Most recently, she worked on CGAP's Paris-based Aid Effectiveness Initiative to help global funders improve the quality of their funding for microfinance. During her year-long secondment to Equity Bank in Kenya, she worked on strengthening their credit department and reaching out to the international community. She has also conducted institutional appraisals, provided advisory services to financial institutions, facilitated trainings and workshops, monitored the investment portfolio, worked on aid effectiveness and contributed to several publications. She has an MBA from INSEAD in France and a BA in International Affairs and Development from the George Washington University.

Olga Morawczynski – Presents Research Findings with Beneficiary Profiles

Olga Morawczynski spent four years studying the adoption, usage and impact of M-PESA as part of her doctoral degree. She has also studied mobile money and branchless banking systems in other countries including India, Tanzania and Uganda. Olga has collaborated with several partners during her research including CGAP, Microsoft Research India and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Currently, Olga is working with the Grameen Foundation in Uganda. She is piloting a new product that mobilizes small value savings via mobile money agents and links rural individuals to formal banking services. Olga’s work has received recognition. She was awarded a PhD scholarship by Microsoft Research. Her paper on M-PESA was also noted by the GSMA Development Fund Report as being in the “top 20” of the field. Olga continues to publish in peer-reviewed journals, present at international conferences and undertake consultancy opportunities.

Rapporteur: Robert Kirkpatrick, Director UN Global Pulse

Robert Kirkpatrick is Director of the Global Pulse initiative at the United Nations, Executive Office of the Secretary-General. He also serves as Chair of the Open Mobile Consortium, a global alliance of open source mobile phone software for social change, and sits on the Board for InSTEDD. He is a practitioner and a technologist in technology to improve information flow, collaboration and collective action in sudden-onset crises and chronically low-capacity environments, & has spent the past 15 years deploying collaboration technologies in humanitarian relief & global development, solutions for public health, disaster relief, security coordination, citizen journalism, telemedicine, conflict mediation, and civil-military cooperation. His work has explored ways that the design of virtual interaction environments may influence trust-building, information sharing, and joint decision making across technical, organizational, and cultural boundaries. He is a strong proponent of open source software, open data standards, and supporting grassroots technology innovation in developing countries.

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