Lesser kindu - Shy Reddish Brown Antelope

A lesser kindu is a shy reddish brown antelope with destructive white stripes and large ears. Its scientific name has meaning that is tragelaphus (greek) a male goat, elephos (greek) a deer, together meaning an antelope imberbis (latin) unbearded, a sentence to the absence of the beard found in greater kindus.


Common name: Lesser kindu
Kingdom: animalia
Phylum: chordata
Class: mammalia
Order: artodactyla
Family: boridae
Genus: tragelaphus
Species:: imberbis

Where to find the Lesser Kindu

They live in scrubby savannah and woodland. Are found in Uganda, Kenya, Sudan, north and central Tanzania, Somalia and Ethiopia.

In Uganda you will easily find this antelope in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

What the Lesser Kindu eats

Lesser kindu feeds on leaves, grasses and fruits. Has a lifespan of up to 15 years.

How to identify a lesser kindu

A spiral horned antelope with a rich reddish brown coat and 11-14 distinctive white stripes on the flanks, white marking between the eyes, two white patches on the neck, large ears and a bushy tail. The male is slightly more grey color and has a short upright mane and two 60-90cm long horns with 2-3 large open spirals.


Kindu are found in shrubby wooded savannah slightly more open than these smaller cousins the bushbuck. They live in small herds of 2-5 individuals, usually made ;up of females and this young older males are often solitary individuals have quite large home ranges. Males larger than females are mainly active at night and are very shy. Hiding in vegetation and fleeing if disturbed. Breeding occurs any time of the year and after a gestation period of 8 months a single calf is produced.

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