Indian citizen living in US

by radha

Hi I am India citizen living in US on a student visa. I am travelling to Uganda for a 15 days social service program. Can you please tell me where should I apply for my visa and what are all the requirements to apply. What documents, visa fee in DD should be made payable to who ??. please if you can send a link or the info I need.Thanks

Dear Radha,
You will be able to get your Visa in Uganda on arrival if you're visiting as a tourist.

Obviously you need to make sure you meet the basic Uganda visa requirements.

However, if you plan to enter the country as a student, you will need the following:

Fill student pass form.

Provide covering letter from training institution addressed to Commissioner Immigration Control Department.

Provide admission letter from training institution.

Attach identification card issued by institution of learning.

Students undertaking post graduate programs should provide copies of previous academic qualifications.

The Uganda Visa fee will be U$ 50 only.

But better still, you can visit the Uganda Mission in Washington for more information.

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