Impact of ICT on e-business a case of Uganda Revenue Authority

by Kalinda Gonzaga Joseph

What is the impact of ICT on e-business as referred to Uganda Revenue Authority?
What are the advantages enjoyed after implementing the e-tax system?

The implementation of the e-tax system will come with a lot of benefits which include:
• URA will now focus on getting new tax payers on board other than spending lots of time on filling returns for the tax payers.

• It will also reduce costs of clients incurred while filing returns such as travel costs and costs of hiring services of middlemen, some of whom are unscrupulous.

• This will eliminate the middlemen (Clearing agents) who have always been accused of undervaluation and under-declaration of goods

• It will enable taxpayers to access domestic revenue services such as registration, returns, payments and objections, and appeals through the internet daily from any part of the world.

• Taxpayers can make Owners Transport Vehicle (OTV) applications, dealer license applications, access Tax Clearance Certificate formats, register motor vehicles, amend registration history and amend returns for individuals as well as access penalty reversal requests with the e-tax system.

• The e-tax system has boosted taxpayers ability in filing returns since they are not bound by distance, this has also enabled them to make self-assessments and pay in the bank without going to URA

• Owing to the system, tax declarations among the large and medium taxpayers have improved dramatically with a slower though steady improvement by smaller taxpayers.

• The e-Tax system enables taxpayers to access exchange rates, search other taxpayers’ TINs to ensure that they are dealing with registered taxpayers and print submitted forms.

• The taxpayers can also access the Withholding Tax exempted list, extend due dates for filing tax returns and access return history on the system.

• Phasing out of fraudulent Acts.

• Curbing tax evaders.

• Introduction of the concept of business intelligence in Uganda’s Tax system

• Easing payment processes

What challenges have you faced while using and implementing e-tax?

The major challenges that URA is experiencing in implementing the E-tax system include:
• Survey has shown that clients are complaining of the e-Tax system being too slow in some cases which brings about time wasting for cases where the client have several transactions to handle.

• The e-tax system has a threat to cyber attacks like viruses, hackers etc

• Ignorance on how to use computer by the tax payers.

• unstable internet is another big effect

• The electronic bill that has not yet been passed into law.

What is the relationship between ICT and e-business in your view?

ICT puts in place strategies and core planning for the effective and efficient running of e-business.

please any replies send to my e-mail: joseph@hmme....

Thank you very much.

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