How to grow FENNEL Bulb Spices in Uganda

Fennel Bulbs growing in Uganda

Fennel Bulbs growing in Uganda

Fennel is a hardy that grows to about 5ft in height, having a dark green feathery leaves.

This plant is native to the Mediterranean region, but is now cultivated worldwide including Uganda Africa.

It’s mainly grown for its aromatic vaguely licorice-like- flavor.

The beauty about growing fennel is that in only 10 weeks you will start harvesting.

Common Fennel bulb varieties in Africa

There are 3 types of fennel grown in Africa:

Florence fennel- is grown for its bulbous stem which can be eaten raw, grilled or barked.

Herb fennel- this is grown for its delicate leaves which are used as an herb. Fennel seed- this type is mainly grown for it edible seeds.

Click here to buy fresh fennel bulbs and Seeds in Uganda

How to Propagate Fennel bulb Spices in Uganda

Fennel spices are propagated by seed; when you give them the proper condition fennel seeds will sprout in about one week's time.

Fennel bulb Soil requirements

Soil should be rich in nutrients, moist, and well drained for ideal growth.

A pH range of 6.5 to 7.5 should be observed.

How to plant fennel bulb spices

Sow your seeds in fertile, well drained soil.

If necessary loosen the soil a little before planting and add in some compost and a little soil for drainage.

Plant seeds approximately 10 inches apart and cover them with a light layer of soil about 0.3 cm deep.

Once bulb has started to form at the base of the stem, hill up the surrounding soil to cover it. This helps to prevent fennel from turning green. It also helps to keep the bulb white and sweet.

Alternatively, you can keep/plant the fennel in a container. Fennel is a deep rooted plant, so it will require a container at least 12 inches or 30 cm deep. Fill it with light soil and add some gravels or stones to help with drainage.

Put about 2-3 Fennels per container to avoid the plants crowding the container which will produce small bulbs.

Be conscious not to plant fennel near dill or coriander, as the two tend to cross pollinate. This reduces chances for seed production and affects the taste of the resultant fennel crop.

Click here to buy fresh fennel bulbs and Seeds in Uganda

How to Harvest Fennel bulbs

Florence fennel bulb can be harvested once they reach the size of a small tennis ball.

To harvest, cut the fennel below the bulb at soil line. Use immediately, or store in the refrigerator for several days.

However you shouldn’t allow fennel to grow so old or it will turn bitter.

Fennel seeds can also be harvested as soon as they have ripened and the plants flowers have turned brown.

Caution should be taken as seeds are very loose, so the best way to collect them is to place a large bowl or sheet under neath the plant and shake the seed head.

Click here to buy fresh fennel bulbs and Seeds in Uganda

Quick Tips for planting fennel bulbs in Africa

  • Open up you site meant for planting, so as to clear it of stones and other stamps and barriers.

  • Rake the soil to level or so to make drills needed for sowing.

  • Sow seeds in to the drills at a spacing of 10 inches apart

  • Cover the seeds with a light layer of soil about 0.3 cm deep.

  • Water the sown seeds to provide moisture need for germination.

  • Weed your plant accordingly to stop completion.

  • Earthen up the plant once the bulbs start to form. This keeps the bulb white and sweet.

  • Harvest your fennel once your bulbs attain a size of a small tennis ball.

Click here to buy fresh fennel bulbs and Seeds in Uganda

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