How to construct Kuroiler Housing & Fencing

Kuroiler Chicken in Paddock

Kuroiler Chicken in Paddock

You can easily build a poultry House for your Kuroiler Chicken using locally available material.

The principle is that the house should be large enough for the birds to fit and secure from predators.

You can build your poultry houses with either bricks or wooden poles or Tree cuttings “Makoko”.

Of importance your Kuroiler house should be well ventilated to allow enough airing in the house.

The biggest part should be constructed with wire mesh.

Below are some standard measurements for the various number of chicks stock:

1000 birds:34ft by 60ft/22ftby 60ft
300 birds: 16ft by 25ft
100 birds: 10ft by 15ft

You should strive to construct your poultry house within that range , depending on the the number of birds you're planning to raise.

About Litter

For litter, you can put coffee husks or wood husks depending on the type easily available and accessible to you.

Dirty Litter, Ensure that you remove the dirty litter when it has gas/fumes coming out of it.

Ensure that water does not spill on the husks whether wood or coffee husks.

Player Stickers

Put player stickers in the houses for the chicks to play on. These are usually wooden

Nests for Laying Eggs

Ensure the size of the Nests are big enough and that there is enough darkness so the other chicken do not see when your kuroiler hens are laying eggs.

Infection Control

Basin of Disinfectant: Put this Basin for people to step in before they enter your poultry houses, this way you will keep disease away from your farm.

Fencing your poultry house

Fence off an area where your kroilers can graze and scavenge on free range. Have various paddocks.

Grow the following weeds/Plant that are palatable to kuroiler chicken: Kifuta, Enanda, Kafumbe, Pasparum, Yam leaves, Kikunyu grass e.t.c…

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Determining the Generation of a Day Old Kuroiler Chick
by: Mark

Thanks for the guidance, i found it helpful but one thing I would like to know is how to determine an F1 gen day old kuroiler chick. Please help.

Palatable plants
by: Francis Emojel

Please quote botanical names using English or at least Swahili coz Luganda is not an international language

Full Kuroiler Chicken 🐔 Guide
by: Jimdean

Where can I get a full kuroiler chicken Guide please.Thank you for this information. It's really so useful for we the bigners.

help in housing
by: Anonymous

is it ok for the house to be made fully of wood?
should the cockerel have a different house from the hens? can i know if a hen is ready to lay eggs? and do they need a seperate place?


I am in Gulu and I we like to know the how much u we charge me if I want 100 @4months. I wd like to start in late January

Kroiler farming options
by: Tim

Can kroiler chickens be raise in cages especially the layers?

Planting grass
by: Ngwabe

Tell me the type of grass in lusoga

Egg laying chicks
by: Grace

Am yet to start this project, but can you please direct me where I can buy the best chicks?

farm tour
by: irene tracy

Halo is there some one here who has a kuroiller farm around mukono and jinja or wakiso such that i can visit to learn more .

spacing of birds
by: charles from koboko

i would like to understand the age of these 100 birds in the 10f by 15f .

plalnting grass should be written in swahili
by: leoohance

The topic is good to a person who want to enter in poultry farming,iking point grasses should be termed in kiswahili


by: Anonymous

Can please give us the plan on how to construct a chicken house? Thanks.

Kuroiler feeding English. Any greens reach in nitrogen n high digestibility will do
by: Kute ogweno-kenya

Yu give comments in English.any greens of high digestibility will do.


Names of Grass

You recommended grass palatable to kuroiler chicken; but, unfortunately, you gave the names in Kiganda. Can you give English names (or Kiswahili, if possible). I am from Tanzania.

want to join this farming
by: kasozi

how i wish i could have started a long time ago

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