Fisheries sector gets sh11.5b for 11 projects in the East African region

Wednesday, 6th April, 2011

ABOUT sh11.5b (three million euros) has been allocated to implement 32 national and regional fisheries projects in the East Africa region.

The money disbursed under the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of states (ACP) countries fish II projects will extend support to 11 projects that should be completed within 2011. ACP fish II is a demand driven programme financed under the 9th European Development Fund. The programme has been developed to contribute to the sustainable and equitable management of the fisheries industry that is facing serious risks of fish stock depletion and sustainable progress of the sector that is a major foreign exchange earner for countries like Uganda.

Of the original 200 fish species, only five are currently visible, including the Nile Perch and tilapia. There is a fear that cat fish, lung fish and mud fish will soon become extinct. Others that are fast disappearing include enkejje.

Exports rose from about sh784m in 1998 to over sh284b annually in 2008 according to reports. A growth in the fish exports to regional markets also jumped from sh196m in 1998 to sh88b over the same period.

The aim of the programme is to improve fisheries management in ACP countries so as to ensure that fisheries resources occurring in the waters under the jurisdiction of these countries are exploited in a sustainable manner. The ACP fish II programme is a 4.5-year programme.

A recent meeting in Kisumu, Kenya involving fisheries administrators and regional organisations under the 3rd Regional ACP-fish II programme workshop reviewed the progress of project implementation to date and plan for future tasks for the Eastern Africa region. Uganda is currently receiving support from the programme.

By David Mugabe: The New Vision Newspaper

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