DFCU Bank Takes Over Crane Bank once owned by Sudhir Ruperalia

Dfcu bank has taken over Crane bank, Bank of Uganda governor, Emmanuel Tumusiime Mutebile has announced

Mutebile explained that: “In exercise of its powers as receiver, under section 95(1) (b) of Financial and other Institutions Act, Bank of Uganda has now transferred the liabilities including deposits of Crane bank to Dfcu bank.”

The governor told a news conference in Kampala on Friday that all customers and depositors of Crane bank shall now have their accounts operated by Dfcu bank through its wide branch network.

“Bank of Uganda reassures the public that it will continue to protect depositors’ interests and maintain the stability of the financial sector,” the governor said.

Bank of Uganda on September 20, 2016 took over the management of Crane bank and issued a notice to the public setting out the reasons for the takeover.

Mutebile said after thorough vetting, Dfcu emerged winner amongst the 13 institutions that bid for Crane bank.

Original Article from the New-Vision Newspaper.

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