Building a Uganda Advertising Company at 20 years

Solomon King Benge- ICT Uganda Enterprenuer

Solomon King Benge- ICT Uganda Enterprenuer

Solomon was just twenty years old when he built his first company, "NVGOR8". It became a pioneer company for cutting edge TV advertising in Uganda, doing work for Multi Choice, MTN Uganda, Sylvia Owori and Stanbic Bank.

What stands out about Solomon King is that he knew nothing about computers until his senior six vacation.
"I first became familiar with one when I got myself a job working in one of Uganda?s first and oldest Internet cafes, Cyberworld Cafe," Solomon recalled. "I would practically sleep in that cafe."

"I wear many hats, but that's because I have no formal career education, save for the one misguided semester at University and I am addicted to challenge, risk and problem solving", says Solomon of himself.

Today, Solomon King is an entrepreneur, digital artist and runs three registered organizations. Elemental Edge was started in 2005. Solomon refers to it as his "darling baby". It centers on work in the Multimedia industry doing video effects and 3D animation.

?Elemental Edge initially offered web hosting, but I decided to split it into two,? said Solomon. ?So it?s safe to say that Elemental Edge gave birth to my next companies, Node Six and Design Kingdom.?

Node six was started in 2006, and performs web solution functions like hosting, website design and website applications. It is the second biggest web hosting company in Uganda, next to Jolis Intercom. Currently, Node Six still holds a reputation as one of the best website designers in the industry, and is the largest of all his companies.

Design Kingdom, his third company, is quite simply a community for Ugandan designers in the field of computers and technology.

Solomon King also serves on the board of Hive Colab, a collaborative workspace for Ugandan application developers as well as a meeting space for technology events, located on the topmost floor of Capital Shoppers in Nakawa.

?Currently, our latest project is a social website called ?, which keeps Ugandans abreast of events happening anywhere, everywhere, and contains monthly event calendars for the year, as well as reviews of events that stand out,? he said.

Solomon has grand future plans of his own.
?I am a perfectionist and passionate about business and work,? he explained, ?I?m also a workaholic, which I attribute to the love I have for my work.?

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