Azadiracha indica, Nimtee

Azadiracha indica,  Nimtee leaves & fruits in Uganda, Africa

Azadiracha indica, Nimtee leaves & fruits in Uganda, Africa

On the Asian continent sits the origin of the Azidirachta indica tree.

Neem tree is one of the most valuable trees known to man, and the tree is widely grown in the tropics and subtropics for its medicinal value.

In Uganda, we don’t have a specific name to the tree as we refer to it as in the exotic way “niimu” tree.

What you can use the plant for:

You can use this tree as an important traditional medicine.

Medicine(bark),fodder (leaves, oil seed cake), Ornamental, Insectcide (azadirachtin in leaves)oil (seeds), soap (seed oil)

Products made from neem have been used in India for over two millennia for their medicinal properties: they are said to be antifungal, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antiviral, contraceptive and sedative.

Neem products are also used in selectively controlling pests in plants. It is considered a large part of Ayurvedic medicine.

All parts of neem are used for preparing many different medicines, especially for skin disease.

Part of the Neem tree can be used as a spermicide .
Neem oil is used for preparing cosmetics (soap and shampoo, as well as lotions and others), and is useful for skin care such as acne treatment. Neem oil has been used effectively as a mosquito repellent.

Neem is useful for damaging over 500 types of insects, mites, ticks, and nematodes, by changing the way they grow and act. Neem does not normally kill pests right away, rather it slows their growth and drives them away. As neem products are cheap and not poisonous to animals and friendly insects, they are good for pest control

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Plant species Name(s)

Azadiracha indica, Nimtee

Plant Local name(s)

Nimtree and
Indian Lilac

Currently no other local name in Uganda has been given to this tree.

Where to find this Plant in Uganda

You will typically find this Tree plant located in low land areas of Uganda because it withstands drought conditions and located in low land areas of Moroto,Kotido, soroti, Kumi and Mbale.

Neem is a fast-growing tree that can reach a height of 15–20 metres (49–66 ft), rarely to 35–40 metres (115–131 ft).

It is evergreen, but in severe drought it may shed most or nearly all of its leaves. The branches are wide and spreading. The fairly dense crown is roundish and may reach a diameter of 15–20 metres (49–66 ft) in old, free-standing specimens. The neem tree is very similar in appearance to its relative, the Chinaberry (Melia azedarach).

The opposite, pinnate leaves are 20–40 centimetres (7.9–15.7 in) long, with 20 to 31 medium to dark green leaflets about 3–8 centimetres (1.2–3.1 in) long. The terminal leaflet is often missing. The petioles are short.

The (white and fragrant) flowers are arranged in more-or-less drooping axillary panicles which are up to 25 centimetres (9.8 in) long. The inflorescences, which branch up to the third degree, bear from 150 to 250 flowers. An individual flower is 5–6 millimetres (0.20–0.24 in) long and 8–11 millimetres (0.31–0.43 in) wide. Protandrous, bisexual flowers and male flowers exist on the same individual tree.

The fruit is a smooth (glabrous) olive-like drupe which varies in shape from elongate oval to nearly roundish, and when ripe is 1.4–2.8 centimetres (0.55–1.10 in) by 1.0–1.5 centimetres (0.39–0.59 in). The fruit skin (exocarp) is thin and the bitter-sweet pulp (mesocarp) is yellowish-white and very fibrous. The mesocarp is 0.3–0.5 centimetres (0.12–0.20 in) thick. The white, hard inner shell (endocarp) of the fruit encloses one, rarely two or three, elongated seeds (kernels) having a brown seed coat.

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Common Neem Tree varieties in Uganda

neem tree is classified as a type of tree in the mahogany family meliaceae, therefore there are no specific varieties broken down.

Soil requirements for growing Neem Tree

Neem tree can grow almost on all kinds of soils including even clay soils.

However, the tree doesn’t tolerate water soaked grounds.

Sandy loams or slightly clayey soils are the most preferred.

Contact us here to buy Neem Tree products and Neem Tree Seedlings in Uganda

How to propagate Neem Tree on your farm

Neem tree can be started by seeds, or by using cuttings.

Freshly harvested seeds should be used as these give a germination rate of over 85% compared to stored seeds.

Contact us here to buy Neem Tree products and Neem Tree Seedlings in Uganda

How to plant Neem Tree in Uganda

When you set for planting, get healthy seedlings from an agro forestry nursery, or when you have access to Neem tree parts like the seeds or stem cuttings you can raise your nurseries from scratch.

For direct seedling, sow seeds from freshly harvested fruits as these will give you a germination rate of over 85% as compared to stored seeds.

Set up nursery beds made up of fine river sand, sandy loam soils and compost at a ratio of 40:50:10 respectively.

Open up drills of about 2.5 cm deep with a spacing of 2-5cm in lines between plants.

Gently place 2-3 seeds of Neem tree seeds in each drill and then lightly cover with soils. Water the seeds to provide moisture needed for seed germination and to also prevent caking of the soil.

In about 1 to 3 weeks, the seeds shall have germinated, so maintain the bed by regularly watering, weeding until the seedlings attain appropriate size for transplanting.

After 6-9 months, transplant the seedlings to the main field observing a closer spacing of 5mx5m or a wider spacing of 7m x7m.

Watch out for pests and diseases like the tip borer, the tea mosquito bug, and dumping off in seedlings.

Contact us here to buy Neem Tree products and Neem Tree Seedlings in Uganda

How best to harvest Neem Tree

Almost every part of the Neem tree is useful and so it’s harvestable.

In cultures like in India, it’s believed that where there are large numbers of Neem trees, there are no diseases.

Neem starts bearing fruits at 5yrs and will come to full bearing at the age of 10 – 12 years.

Amongst the plant parts harvested include; the wood, leaves, flowers, fruits and its bark.

The seeds are harvested to make Neem oil, and the cake after squeezing of oil is used is used to make plant fertilizers.

The leaves bark and roots are used to make medicinal extracts and pesticides that are consumed by both humans and their plant counterparts.

Contact us here to buy Neem Tree products and Neem Tree Seedlings in Uganda

Quick tips for planting Neem tree in Africa

Clear up land meant for setting the Neem forest.

Caution should be taken while choosing the site as Neem tree growing is a long term investment.

Attain viable seedlings from an agro-forestry nursery to be used for plating.

open up drills twice the size as the seedling root ball.

Maintain a spacing of 5mx5m or 7mx7m if you are to intercrop in other crops.

Incorporate DAP to enhance the rooting system of the seedlings.

At 5years you will have started harvesting Neem tree part like the leaves, flowers and even seeds.

Contact us here to buy Neem Tree products and Neem Tree Seedlings in Uganda

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