application form

Question: Hi, i am a indian citizen and i want to apply for visitor visa to uganda.from which web site would i be able to down load visa application form? do i need any sponser letter from uganda?

Do i need to pay visa fees with application form ?demand draft of visa fees in favour of who?

Do I need to send necessary documents to get visa by mail or i need to go personally to Delhi?
please try to solve all my queries. thanks.
kamlesh pandya

1) You can download a sample Uganda Visa form here. Nevertheless, you still have to go to New Delhi personally, if you want to apply for the Uganda Visa in advance.

You also have the option of applying for the Uganda Visa on arrival as long as you have all the necessary visa requirements.

2) You do not need any sponsor letter. But you must have evidence of enough funding for your stay in Uganda.
3) You will also need an invitation letter from your Uganda partners with an address, telephone number and email address for your use to fill in the Visa application form.
4) Your Visa application is not complete without payment of Visa fees in cash.

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Nov 11, 2015
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Oct 23, 2012
usa visa
by: sarah

hi am a ugandan citizen but lived in the US from one year till i was five as a refugee but my parents nolonger have any of travel documents can it still be easy for me to go back if yes what process do i go through to apply?

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