Africa Travel Association (ATA) announces new International Board of Directors

The Africa Travel Association (ATA) announced the election of its new board of directors. The board was elected on May 21 at ATA's 37th Annual World Congress in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

ATA government members elected Zimbabwe Tourism and Hospitality Industry Minister, Eng. Walter Mzembi, as the new president of the association. Other governments elected to the board include Central African Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Minister Mzembi succeeds Honorable Fatou Mass Jobe-Njie, The Gambia Minister of Tourism and Culture, who served as ATA’s president from May 2010 to May 2012. During Minister Jobe-Njie’s tenure, ATA country membership grew significantly, along with high-level government participation and industry attendance at ATA’s annual tourism events in the United States, particularly ATA Presidential Forum on Tourism in New York and the U.S.-Africa Tourism Seminar in Washington, D.C.

ATA members once again nominated Karen Hoffman, President of The Bradford Group, as ATA’s First Vice President. Other ATA Executive Committee members include:
- Honorable Khamis Kagasheki, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, United Republic of Tanzania (Vice President)
- Mr. Omar Carrera, Area Director, Sales & Marketing for East Africa, Starwood Hotels and Resorts (Vice President)
- Mr. Mohammed Zaki, RZ Travels (Vice President)
- Andrea Papitto, Vice President, Thinking Forward Media (Vice President)
- Dr. Gaynelle Henderson-Bailey, Henderson Travel (Secretary)
- Charlie Gatt, Publisher, Travel World News (Treasurer)

The full list of the new board of directors, comprising governments, airlines, hotels, wholesalers, tour operators, PR firms, media and individuals is as follows:

- Central African Republic Honorable Sylvie Annick Mazoungou, Minister of Development of Tourism and Handicraft
-Arab Republic of Egypt Honorable Mounir Abdel Nour, Minister of Tourism
- Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Honorable Amin Abdulkadir Bereket, Minister of Culture and Tourism
- Republic of Ghana Honorable Akua Sena Dansua, Minister of Tourism
- United Republic of Tanzania (Vice President) Honorable Khamis Kagasheki, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism
- Republic of Uganda Honorable Professor Ephraim Kamuntu, Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage
- Republic of Zambia Honorable Given Lubinda, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Tourism
- Republic of Zimbabwe Honorable Eng. Walter Mzembi, Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry

- Arik Air Mr. Robert Brunner, US Country Manager
- Delta Air Lines Mr. Chuck Imhof, Staff Vice President, New York Sales
- Ethiopian Airlines Mr. Tewolde G. Mariam. Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- South African Airways Mr. Gregg Truman, Vice President, Marketing

- Expedia Travel Mr. Diego J. Lofeudo, Senior Director of Market Management, EMAF, MEIO, GR & TK & CY, Expedia Travel
- Garden Group of Hotels – Zambia Mr. Gaudenzio Rossi, General Manager
- Starwood Hotels and Resorts (Vice President) Mr. Omar Carrera, Area Director, Sales & Marketing for East Africa
- Southern Sun Tanzania Mr. Adam Fuller, General Manager
- Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) Mr. Edward Kishe, Director General

Wholesalers / Tour Operators
- Africa Tour-Rific (USA) Ms. Doris Wooten
- Cameroon Travel Center Ms. Francoise Kameni Lele
- Group IST Mr. Gilad Goren
- Henderson Travel Services (USA) Dr. Gaynelle Henderson-Bailey (Secretary)
- Khanondo Safari & Tours (Zimbabwe) Mr. Forward Mutero
- Passport Health Ms. Tammy Broghammer
- Production Travel & Tours (USA) Mr. Ronald Mracky
- West Africa Tours (Mali & Senegal) Mrs. Mariama Ludovic de Lys

- The Bradford Group (First Vice President) Ms. Karen Hoffman, President
- Thinking Forward Media (Vice President) Ms. Andrea Papitto, Vice President
- Travel World News (Treasurer) Mr. Charlie Gatt Jr., Publisher

- Mr. Mohammed Zaki RZ Travels (Vice President)
- Mr. Ogo Sow Ogo Sow Communications
- Mr. Lehlohonolo Moagi 4U2 Advertising Multi-Media Inc.
- Ms. Adele Black Affluent Hospitality Group.

18 June 2012

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