The Yellow Throated Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx flavigularis)

If you are Planning a Uganda Birding Safari. Then plan to enjoy The yellow –throated cuckoo.

In this section of the Uganda Birding Safari Guide we share with you information about The yellow –throated cuckoos that can help you enjoy your Bird watching tour to Africa.

You will find tips and Info about:

Where to find The yellow –throated cuckoo (Chrysococcyx flavigularis)

The Yellow Throated Cuckoo has a dark bronzy color with a bright yellow stripe down the throat up to the upper breast.

That’s why it is called the “yellow- throated cuckoo.”

It is a resident of less dense forests therefore if you are in a birding safari in Uganda you will be able to see them in Maragambo and Semliki forests at an altitude of 700-1200m.

Characteristics of the yellow- throated cuckoo

The adult male bird has dark bronzy color with the bright yellow stripe down its throat and upper breast with pale yellow eyes which are easily noticeable.

During flight sessions it shows the obvious white outer tail feathers.

The female cuckoo is almost similar to the male but lacks the yellow throat and is entirely barred below.

In their habitats

Mostly they are solitary in their habitats.

They feed on insects, caterpillars.

They also have distinctive high–pitched vocals.

It first rises then descends as they do the calling fi-fi-fi-fififififi.

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